Forum Discussion

Snomas's avatar
Apr 01, 2019

insurance companies and cost

We just purchased a new 2019 Flagstaff 22 ft TT and can you experienced folks give me an idea of what insurance should Cost? We have used AAA insurance for our DP in the past and will ask them for a quote but I always check around to be sure I' m not over paying.
  • it may depend on the state you are in, but in Oregon, your trailer will be covered for liability under your tow vehicle policy while it is hooked up and being towed. It is NOT covered once unhooked nor for any damage to it or other property while being towed.

    So..... it makes sense to add it to your existing insurance company policies. In my case with a $1K deductible and liability when unhooked etc. in with my umbrella policy I pay about $100/yr
  • We bought a new 37 foot travel trailer four years ago and insured in with Progressive.
    The coverage was for what we paid for it and covered any damage and 100 percent if it was totaled, and that was for as long as we owned the trailer. The cost was $500 per year.
    Along came hurricane Irma and totaled it with a five foot sea water surge. As soon after the hurricane as their adjuster was allowed in the area he took one look and totaled it. He took pictures, sat in his car and sent the info into his office. That afternoon we got a call from Progressive and said our check would be at a local insurance agency on the next Monday. Driving home after picking up the check we received a call from Progressive telling us that we still had two more months of coverage and wanted to know if we wanted a rebate or if we were replacing the trailer with another if we wanted for it to go for the new trailer coverage . We were absolutely amazed and naturally put it toward the new one.
    It was the best $500 that I have ever spent in my life and we now have our new trailer and once again with the same coverage.

  • No matter what insurance company you pick or how much your premium is I’d be more concerned about the level of coverage you have and how good the claim process is for that company.
    That being said my motto is this, insurance is like hand grenades and parachutes, you don’t want a cheap one when you need it the most.
  • If you are old enough, we've found Hartford through AARP is the cheapest and comes with no charge towing option.
  • I have State Farm for house, cars and TT; The annual TT premium is $125 for
    liability/comprehensive; This is in NJ.
  • We insure our camper for $20,000. It's stored on a lot. Our auto insurer charges $268 premium for replacement with a $500 deductible.
  • Check with your auto insurance company. We have our RV insurance bundled with our auto insurance. We're using Geico. As for price, like everyone already said, to many factors to even give a price.
  • Snomas,
    Way too many different variables here.
    -State you live
    -amount you insure the trailer for
    -amount you insure what is inside the trailer for
    -total loss coverage
    -roadside coverage
    -your credit score
    -etc etc

    Only you can call and get quotes from different Ins Agencies to get the prices you would pay
  • We've had a 28' 5th wheel since new in summer of 2002. Our insurance premium for it has ranged between $85-105 for the year.
  • Snomas,

    Any idea is just that, an idea. Many variables go into the quote. If you call Good Same Insurance Agency we can quote 4 different companies and get you the best coverage at the best rate. We can also see if it makes sense to bundle your tow vehicle with the TT. Keith