Most CONVERTER/CHARGER units are mounted in the kitchen area possibly under the stove oven next to the floor. This will be the unit where all of the 120VAC circuit breakers and 12VDC fuses are located. the Converter unit is usually installed in the bottom compartment here.
Might look something like this
Push the door to open and you will see the model number of the INVERTER on the inside.
Also you should have received a big folder of all of the appliances provided with your new trailer. Look for the install brochure of the CONVERTER/CHARGER unit in the folder.
Let us know what the manufacturer and model number is for your installed converter. It is most likely a 55 amp model and being a 2013 model it should also be a smart mode charging technology unit.
You will most likely need at least a 2KW Honda type small generator to plug your trailer shore power cable into it using a RV30A-15A adapter cord to operate the 55AMP Converter to re-charge your battery when needed.
just my thoughts
Roy Ken