We will be keeping the tc in the backyard. We have the manual jacks. For those of you that keep yours in your yard what do you use to support the jacks so they don't sink in the ground?
Found myself an old farm /(barge)wagon running gear for $200. Added 6 2x2" square tubes from front to back across the bunks. Sits about 15" lower than on the F250. I use the jacks to keep it from rolling in wind and maybe carry 25% of the weight. Made a long tongue so I can tug it around with my tractor.
Ok, thanks everyone. We still have it on the truck today the ground was too wet. We did have it on cender (sp) blocks. Just need something to keep the legs from sinking. Dh is going to lowes after work. I told him I would see what y'all are using. I like the plywood cross idea but dh wants something easy to weed eat around.
I use some 8" square concrete pavers I had left over from a project. Pretty much anything that would distribute the weight to keep the jack legs from sinking in during the rainy season will work. If you use wood, make it pressure treated unless you plan to replace it every season.
If the ground is relatively level, the plywood cross design seems like the easiest to construct. Personally, I use a sawhorse and beam system with 2" X 6" blocking under the legs.
I have been planning to use pallets to support the bed, but a friend just volunteered to build a "structure" to put under it. Any thoughts on the pros/cons of that? If anyone out there uses one - a a picture or sketch would be great.
I set mine on pallets and use the jacks to steady it, that way all of the weight doesn't rest on the jacks and side walls. Just use some 2x6 chunks under the feet.