jonitza wrote:
We found the perfect trailer for our family, its the 2013 jayco white hawk 28dsbh. It appears to be a well built trailer with lots of attention to detail. They have a asking price of 25,900. I'm thinking of going in around 18,500 as a starting point including WDH. What do you guys think?? What would be your starting point and a realistic puchase price. Thanks everyone
You should pay no more than $20,900 which is 75% of MSRP with just the 26" TV option, no ladder, and no power jacks/stabilizers. If they charged more than 75% of MSRP, I'd walk, and I have. ;)
If you have a more robust tow vehicle as in a 3/4 ton, I'd look at the Jay Flights. They don't use laminated walls or floor. The White Hawk at least doesn't use a laminated roof so it has that going for it. While the Jay Flight line doesn't have this floorplan, it has a lot of nice offerings that the White Hawk line doesn't offer. The Jay Flight Swift does offer that floorplan but you'll lose some features but your cost will be about $5,000 cheaper though.
Good luck with what ever you get.