Forum Discussion

Jebby14's avatar
Jul 29, 2019

just booked labor day (and got a site)

buddy asked what we were doing labor day weekend. half hour latter I had the boss's permission and a site booked. clearly shes liking the new rig, took no convincing. bonus was actually getting a holiday weekend site 4 weeks out.

today is a good day
  • I thought the provincial parks closed the Thanskgiving weekend? That's the case at the one we usually go to for Oct (Voyageur).
  • Wheatley provincial park (one of our close to home go to parks for weekending) we are capped at 5 months out so no extremely long bookings but 4 weeks is a steal. not so lucky booking thanksgiving but no big deal. turkey is easier at home anyway and we are going the weekend after
  • Wow! We start booking in January for most of our extended summer trips out of the area.

    Local county parks by us (that we do on weekends) have a 90 day out max window to book and you have to be online clicking like a crazy person exactly at 7pm to get an electric site and the date you want. Its like trying to get a Southwest "A" seat but worse.

    We landed a few nights for this week only two weeks ago bc we said "lets just check" and whaddaya know?! There must have been a cancellation!

    Cant hurt to try right?
  • That's awesome. Congrats! What campground will you be enjoying yourselves at?
  • Congrats, the universe is smiling on you. I booked at the end of May and considered myself luckily that there was still a spot for that weekend.