Good luck finding a short bed super cab in the Pacific NW. It is the least popular configuration.
Of course, it's the one I wanted. A long bed crew cab is a wonderful truck, at least until you need to park in downtown Bellevue, Seattle, or in a parking garage, or, most importantly, make a "U" turn or "Y" turn on a 4x4 trail that dwindles down to nothing. A long wheel base is a serious disadvantage.
I went with a F150 Super Cab Short Bed. The advice you are getting is right on. Get the F350 or 3500 one ton. You can't have too much truck.
Most folks on this forum will recommend a long bed crew cab. I had one for 6 years. If you have to go into town at all, you will be much happier with a shorter wheel base.
Post pictures when you get something. Good Luck.