gregrc75 wrote:
I picked up my new 2011 Bullet Premier 28RLPR last week. I have done a few mods to it, but nothing too major yet:
-I had the dealer replace the standard faucet with the pull out faucet that comes with in the "comfort package."
-I mounted a 12V LCD in the bedroom
-added 2 Maxair vent covers
-added a Winegard Wingman
-replaced the interior speakers with a set of $30.00 6.5 inch 3-way speakers from Walmart. They are a big improvement on sound by adding some treble, better then the muddy sound of the existing speakers. They fit in the existing holes, and the white grills fit on the new speakers. Looking at it you wouldn't know they were replaced.
What I was thinking of doing was adding a counter top extension. When I was in the camper the other day I noticed that the laundry shute cover is the same material/pattern as the counter top. I thought that I could remove the cover and add brackets - instant counter top extension. Has anyone done this already and if so do you have pics? I figured I could make a new cover for the laundry shute out of another material. No need to match the counter that is in the kitchen with the laundry shute cover in the bedroom since you cant see both at the same time.
Just got done putting another electrical outlet on other side of bed :B, just tied into existing outlet in bedroom. TV in bedroon is next. How did you mount yours ????