gregrc75 wrote:
LivingthedreamOH wrote:
Bedroom hint:
Lengthen bedroom mattress fast and easy.
Buy Queen mattress topper.
Cut off extra length.
Pull mattress away from the top of the bed.
Drop excess mattress topper piece in space.
Slide mattress toward head of bed until it makes contact with the topper piece..
Adds a bit of extra length to the bed.
Another hint I used in my old camper. I bundled 6 pool noodles 2 wide and 3 high. I cut the length equal to the width of the mattress and placed it between the bed and wall. I then put a queen sized 3" memory foam topper over the noodles and matters. I then was able to make then bed with normal queen sheets and you couldn't tell that the noodles were even there was comfy.
In my Bullet I replaced the mattress with a tempurpedic.
That was well worth the money. Before we moved we decided to go this route since we didn't know how long we would be in it. Very happy we did.
On another note, somethings for you other 31bhpr owners to look out for:
*The dinet seating, on ours closest to the tv, the center support pulled out and have to fix
* the support for when you transform the table to a bed pulled out
* the bottom bunk frame, came apart and I have to rebuild it this winter.
One thing to keep in mind is that we full timed in it for 4 months so we put some use into it. The way that I see it is we simulated a couple if seasons camping, so just keep an eye out on these things in the future, especially if they are used heavily.