Jebby14 wrote:
Ya i know the math works. Just nore length than i was originally thinking.
-500 family
-100 hitch
-TW (7500×.13= 975)
So even at max load have some wiggle room)
Jist looking to put my mind ad ease
Figure that the TW CAN be as much as 15% or a bit higher depending on just where your storage might be when fully loaded.
That means TW could be as high as 1125 lbs so now you are down to 200 lbs of "wiggle room".. Making this a marginal combination at best.
Are there folks towing this close or closer, sure, but wait until they have a meeting with MR Murphy.. Yeah, things CAN go wrong in a hurry when you are in a marginal setup..
I HAVE had more than one meeting with MR Murphy, and each time I WON.
Why, because I intentionally buy vehicles which have a CONSIDERABLY HIGHER CAPACITY..
Without the extra capacity, I would not have made it through the first time I had a deer dart in front of me at 70 MPH let alone the SECOND time it happened over the years..
We ALL would love to have sunshiny days and rainbow unicorns while towing all of the time, but in reality, you WILL eventually be called out by MR Murphy and the outcome may not be pretty if you made poor combination choices.