Forum Discussion

gabbott's avatar
May 20, 2013

Travel trailer Keystone Hornet

My main circuit breaker keeps tripping whenever the AC/Microwave are on at the same time. Any thoughts on troubleshooting?
Thanks, Gerald
  • If it's hot enough that I'm going to run the AC, I run the Water heater and frig on gas and have no problem running the microwave and AC on electric together.
  • I always have to turn my AC off when we use the micro. If we forget, the breaker will trip.
  • OK so I got my answer. Next time buy a 50 amp trailer. Thanks guys.
  • 30 Amps is NOT a lot of power. The Air Conditioner alone will draw 12 to 16 Amps.
    Coffee maker 5 to 8 Amps
    Refrigerator in electric mode: 5 to 8 Amps.
    Toaster : 7 to 10 amps
    Microwave: 8 to 13 amps.
    Doesn't take much.

    Our new trailer has 50 Amp service. Just so you know the difference a 30 Amp Service can handle a total of 3,600 Watts.
    A 50 Amp service can handle a total of 12,000 Watts.
    Big difference..
    Happy trails,
  • There is nothing wrong with your trailer. You can not run all those power hogs together at the same time. What you describe is normal.
  • Main breaker inside the trailer.I have my HW heater on also. I never thought about that. I guess that's why they have the inside switch. I do notice my lights dim on occasion in the bathroom also when I cut the fan on above the shower. Not sure if any is related. Dealer has checked the power in the past and said everything was good.
  • Did you have the HWH or fridge on elec? In my keystone Hornet I can run my MW and my AC at the same time along with the fridge if all 3 are not powering up at the same time. Adding the WH to the mix will sometimes blow the breaker. When you say the CB is tripping, do you mean the inetrnal 30 amp or the power pole 30 amp? Have you tried using an adapter and using the 50 amp plug? many 30A receptacles are worn out from use and do not supply good power. Have you checked the voltage and amperage at the supply receptacle? What is the internal voltage you are seeing? As voltage drops (common in older CG systems) amperage is increased and can lead to CB's tripping.