Forum Discussion

Freep's avatar
Sep 01, 2017

Know your height and pay attention

During our eclipse trip we were driving in Wyoming and there are a number of low railroad bridges. I normally would have noticed but I was starting to get tired and I almost went under a short railroad bridge like this.

Luckily my wife was paying attention and we stopped short and did the backup of shame away from the bridge. When I looked under the bridge I could see the evidence of many others before me who didn't stop short.

15 seconds of inattention can ruin a trip. Sometimes there are nice flashing signs telling you that you are too tall and to turn now, but too often it's just a sign or two.
  • Yup! I could not agree more!

    Not only for truck campers, but every type of RV on the road. The emphasis is on weights and length of RV's. But height is often overlooked.

    I ran into a low overpass only once, in South Carolina. I caught the sign out of the corner of my eye, just a flash. It was a warning for a low overpass about 7 miles ahead. I couldn't remember my actual height. Actually stopped, when back (walked) and looked at the sign. Then got the original paperwork out of my camper and reviewed the original specs, looking for the manufactured height. Yep. Too tall. Was able to turn around and then had to figure an alternate route around it.

    Lesson learned. I've since never forgotten my height and am much more keenly aware of low hanging stuff now too!

    To often we measure our RV's by length. A truck camper is not long at all. It may overhang the back of the pick-up a couple feet, and can be taken places where Motor Homes, TT, and 5ers can never go. But there is still, and always will, be limitations where you can travel based on the height of the RV! Always!

    I agree! Know your height and be conscious of it all the time!

    Thanks for the reminder!