travelnutz wrote:
I have nothing to do with other than having been a customer and an extremely satisfied customer with the quality of the LED bulbs I received and I know LED well and the Kelvin charts also was only given as an example and because of the quanity discounts ans also free shipping. Others may want to take advantage of getting quality LED bulbs rather than being used! I actually could care less where you or others buy their LED bulbs. You two attacked me and for what is a good question.
On the contrary, it is you who attacked me (and others) who have purchased "cheap" LEDs, suggesting that we are suckers for doing so. I agree that has some decent prices, but even now you claim that if we buy elsewhere we are "being used". After nearly 2 years of trouble-free use, I will put my "cheap" LEDs up against your certified LEDs any day of the week. I, too, am an extremely satisfied customer, but of the Amazon/eBay retailers that I have purchased LEDs from. And I, too, know LEDs and Kelvin charts well; in fact I am an electrical engineer for a large municipal electric utility in California, and am involved in an ongoing program to change out our HPS streetlights with LEDs, so I take particular issue with your suggestion that I "look it up and learn". I might suggest that you do the same.
I have always advocated choice; for anyone and everyone thinking of going the LED route. Amazon/eBay is just another source that can be utilized. To discount that option entirely is to do a disservice to those considering LEDs. Inexpensive does not always mean bad quality, nor does expensive automatically mean good; the savvy shopper knows that. I'm done here; no group hug, thank you.