Forum Discussion

Denali2015's avatar
Jun 15, 2020

Lance vs Arctic fox

My wife and I are looking to move out of our large fifth wheel into a smaller trailer. We have narrowed our search down to either a Lance or an AF. MY wife really likes the interiors of the Lances better then AF. I like the arched ceilings and ducted air of the AF. Also the AF is a heavier trailer which makes me think that maybe the Fox is a better unit. I like both trailers and am wondering if anyone has any comments and opinions on which trailer is the better one. Any feedback would be much appreciated...
  • I have a 2017 Lance 1985, so far so good. I would only look at 2017 1/2 year models, thats when they switched to a heavier frame. I would also get a lift kit if going on BLM areas. My tanks are 45, fresh,gray, and black. The larger 2285 model has 45,90 gray, and 45 black. You can go to Lance Owners of America (LOA) site for specific questions.
  • The bigger Lance trailers don't have a flat roof. The Lance is much lighter, allowing you the ability to tow their largest trailer with a half ton. Lance touts their huck-bolted frame. I'm not sold on the concept.

    Arctic Fox's are heavy, and solid. As already mentioned, a much better option for off road use.

    You may want to also check out Outdoors RV trailers. They are a spin off from the Arctic Fox owner, and are very similar in build quality, but have some different interior decor, which might appeal to the wife.

    If I had 3/4 ton or larger truck, I'd opt for the heavier brand. But since I do have a half ton, I'm very fond of the Lance line up.
  • For me, both are great trailers. The only reason I bought an AF was because I got a great deal on the trailer. If I would have found a Lance for the same deal I would have bought the Lance.

    I really like my AF because it's very heavily built. I don't have to worry about things like frames breaking or cracking or garbage like that.

    I really hate my AF because it's very heavily built. I have a 3/4 ton diesel truck and I had to bag it because the trailer had so much tongue weight and was so heavy.

    Just because the Lance is lighter does not make it a worse unit. Airplanes are very light but yet strong. After I bought my AF my friend bought a Lance. His is a very nice trailer also.

    Bottom line for me is both are good trailers. Buy what he wife likes. ;)
  • The flat roof of the Lance would be a deal breaker for me. Remember 2 people who had issues with water intrusion on the forum.
  • No question about it...Arctic Fox. Great quality with solid build! Had one for 9 years without a single problem.
  • I think it depends. How much off road boondocking do you do? (You live in boondocking heaven.) If you use rough forest roads, the AF has a heavier chassis. (If memory serves, there are some great videos on the AF site discussing the construction details.)

    The Lance manufacturing techniques are state of the art -- check out their website, too.
  • I think your assessment is pretty close. The Lance is a little more contemporary, and while the Lance is well built, the AF is simply more rugged for off-road travel. and depending on the floor-plan, probably has larger tanks and more carrying capacity. But that extra weight might bump you into a tow rig larger than you were otherwise planning on.