I've done some similar leak searching as you with you Northern Lite. I've learned that the water can travel a great distance before showing up because of the center seam. I had water leaking out of a rear bottom drain hole in the belly of the camper coming all the way from the front top cabover window.
I would suggest an air pressure leak test to really help your search. I did the DIY version of this with leaf blowers and learned a lot. The results were immediate. It showed the exact spot of the window leak where the butyl tape didn't seal properly.
Since then I am carefully removing all windows and re-doing those as well and every single other hole cut through the entire camper. Slow process but makes me feel better actually knowing the sealant is as it should be.
I agree with Reddog 1 that the chance that the center seam is leaking is low but it can happen. There are a lot of screws (ie holes) for the water to choose if the center seam is the issue. If it is coming in that way removing the screws one at a time and applying sealant and then re-installing will solve that. While you're at it replace them with stainless screws. If the screws are sealed that takes care of the center seam. The way the seam overlaps the screw holes are the only way in for the water.
Good luck. It is frustrating dealing with these leaks. I have had people come up to me saying I have a Northern Lite, great no leaks. I just smile and don't get into it with them. Anything you cut a bunch of holes through will leak eventually no matter what. Especially in the province we live in.