Lynnmor wrote:
kennethwooster wrote:
I would check on my particular engine. They say it won't hurt the 6.7 Ford engine yet there is no particular reason to let it idle except to warm inside on a cold morning.
There is one instance when Ford says to idle the engine. I posted it above, but it looks like I need to say it again.
Right from the Owners Manual:
Turn the ignition to the off position.
To prolong engine life (any timey after extended high
speed, high ambient temperature, or high GVW/GCW
operation, such as heavy loads or heavy trailers),
it is recommended that a hot engine be idled for
3-5 minutes.
This allows the turbocharged engine to cool down.
Without an EGT gauge you have no idea how hot your EGT is!! I see way too many people zip into a parking lot slam their truck into park, and turn it off before the wheels stop moving. Then wonder why they have turbo, oil and valve issue.
Diesels are still diesels and they are not gas engines, this should also be a practice on the EcoBoost!