Forum Discussion

Jthampton17's avatar
Jul 30, 2014

Lights crazy with Headlights

Here is the problem i am having. My 16 foot travel trailer brake lights, blinkers, etc work completely fine when my TV headlights are not on. As soon as i turn my headlights on, none of the blinkers work, no brake lights, i just get 3 solid lights on top of the trailer (that are indeed running lights) but no other light functions work.

My initial thought is open every light and look at the neutral wire in them to see if maybe one is bad. Any other opinions would be very helpful.

  • Bad Ground.

    But, just to freak you out. I once had a tail light bulb burn a filament out. When it did the burned out part of the filament touched the other part of the filament and made the lights do weird things like your describing. If you can't find a bad ground check out your taillight bulbs and replace them. This is one of those once and a million chances because it once happened to me I thought I would mention it.
  • The most common problem overwhelmingly with 12 volt lights is a bad ground.
  • There is no neutral. There is only hot/positive and ground/negative. I'd wager a bad ground between the trailer and tow vehicle.
  • Bad trailer ground. The other lights are just able to ground through your running lights when they're off