Forum Discussion

harley4275's avatar
Mar 31, 2018

Looking at 2003 Arctic Fox 860

Hi..I am looking at a 2003 Arctic Fox 860..short box version . Any pointers or warnings??? I assume it is the for-runner to the 811. thx
  • I had one for a few years, it was my first camper. I bought it new in 2003 actually.

    I got rid of it only based on my need/want for a bigger dinette and bigger bathroom. Other than that I was fully satisfied and never had any issues when I had it.
  • We had leaks right off the bat with our 2006 AF. Also the slide broke several times. Don’t expect any factory support resolving issues. They no longer care to assist customers with chronic problems.
  • If the camper does have issues that aren't severe it may still be just what you needed.

    I bought a 990 that had a few areas leaking. Seeing these issues, I bought it with the intentions of rebuilding it.

    I cleaned up the issues and seal all the leaks to use it until I had time to do the work the next spring.

    It ended up they were all so minor that it's been 5 years I am still not planning on taking it apart to rebuild.

    It's a lot more enjoyable using it than rebuilding it and the small de-laminated spots are no cause for concern.
  • That’s a fair warning, but it’s not a forgone conclusion.
    Although the other common area for water damage is the front cap from water coming in around the clesrance lights or front window.
    Our 03 has some delamination on the cap under the front window. No rot, it had been stored under a canopy most of its life. So it’s cosmetic.
    Other than that, had an 05 860 and now an 03 and both were/are very solid and very few repairs, nothing major needed.
    I’ll qualify that with we don’t use it a lot so I don’t know how it would be holding up to regular use. But I’m pretty happy with them for being older campers.
  • Go in with low expectations and expect to find some water damage. Anyone that tells you that their camper doesn't have any is lying to you. Check around the wings, you'll see where the rot is :)