cdlaine wrote:
Congratulations on the new truck is beautiful. I make
the very same run you have described and would have to be honest
in saying it is not enjoyable....but doable. Please post the
update as to your first run up the grade... (and down the grade).
Did you buy here in Phoenix metroplex or in Tucson ? Special order
or found on lot (rare on lot in my neighborhood). Any negotiation
wiggle room or dealer firm ?
I too am closing in on retirement and am in the cup-of-coffee phase
on considering a new TV....being a cheap so-n-so the 50-60 k price
range gives me indigestion. A recent trip out to Ca. via Palm Springs
route was a very pleasant pull in my 03', so the Princess thinks why
mess with success.... truth be told, I'm that guy that sets the cruise
control on 55 and when I get there I get there.... so mebbe speed
up the slope is not high on my priority list (just thinking
out loud). My current gas lover pulls nicely....but has 10 years of
pulling on its odometer...decisions-decisions.
At any rate, please post the update when you get a chance.
Charles - Actually, we found it on the lot at Jim Click Ford in Tucson. They had quite a few trucks, including a King Ranch F250 parked next to this one. I'm very fortunate in that my company has negotiated with Ford so we don't have to negotiate individually. Just let me say that the sticker was in the low 60s, but we were able to get it to near $50k with employee discount and rebates. They also gave me a real good trade on our old Silverado, and my wife's car. We decided we didn't want to maintain, insure and drive two vehicles anymore.
I got the FW hitch installed last night, and we just got back from a short test run up and down a very steep slope. The truck had more power than I need. It was also nice to feel the exhaust brake kick in on the down slope. I put it in "Tow/Haul", applied the brake to 40 mph, and the truck/trailer combo stayed right at 40 the whole way down.
I'll post a pic of the combined rig later this afternoon.