@RoyB - thanks for the diagram. I will save it to my computer.
I left a message for Randy at Best Converter this morning, and he hasn't called back yet, but I'm sure he will.
I've done some testing, and here is what I've found:
- Battery has been sitting for 1-1/2 weeks with the battery switch turned off. It had 12.80v on it this afternoon. That is a full charge. I then hooked my charger up to it for a little while. The electrolyte levels are good. I keep my battery switch turned off at all times at home and while camping, except several hours before leaving home on a trip, and when I'm driving down the road. So I know my battery has not been damaged by the converter. That also shows that it is very unlikely that a bad battery damaged the converter.
- Regarding my breakaway system, when I installed the battery switch a year or more ago, I straight wired the breakaway switch to bypass the battery switch. It always has power.
- I found out which breaker kills the converter. That will be nice to know if I need it on our trip this weekend. When I kill that breaker, I lose the receptacle in the front bedroom, and the 120v heating of the fridge. But the fridge works on gas still (I turned on the battery to be sure), and all the other receptacles work, including the microwave/water heater and the a/c. I won't need a/c, but DW and I run the fan at night for white noise. It is nice to know the thermostat will still control the a/c fan.
- All 12v items work off the battery when the converter is killed by turning off the breaker.
These things give me peace of mind about our trip tomorrow. I will still take my battery charger just in case.
Thanks for everyone's ideas and help. This forum is great for those of us who need to know from those who do!