Forum Discussion

samhain7's avatar
Feb 22, 2016

Mice - My observation

I hope this dispels some of the myths out there about Mice.
Nothing you put inside your camper is going to keep them out.
You have to stop them from getting in through small hols or other access points.
To prove my point, I put almost everything in my camper that has been suggested. Dyer sheets, moth balls, some tea tree oil, peppermint oil etc.
Guess what. I got a mouse.

One of the drawers actually had the moth balls AND a dyer sheet. Not only did it NOT deter the mouse from entering the drawer, it went to the bathroom on the dryer sheet AND the mothball.

So again, just seal up the access points. If you use one of the above methods, sure you might not have gotten a mouse as I haven't on previous years, the the above had nothing to do with it.