thirtydaZe wrote:
What are my options here?
It depends on whether you believe that de-lamination is the result of water getting into the wall or whether it's simply a matter of the outer fiberglass panel separating and creating an air space inside the wall because the adhesive used in building it has given way. If it's water intrusion you'd want to address the issue ASAP with your dealer as it will only get worse, if it's the latter I'd try to not worry about it if you can live with it visually. I had a similar situation arise with our KZ Spree wherein the deformation of the outer skin (just on the curb side wall) would vary with temperature and at times was very difficult to see, other times easy to see. I lived with it for the last couple of years we owned the trailer and although the primary motivation for eventually moving on to another trailer was that we were by that time ready for a couple's model the fact the Spree was de-laminating certainly played a part in our decision to get rid of it, thinking that it was never going to get any better but could potentially get worse and be
very expensive to repair.