Forum Discussion

jerendeb-CLIF's avatar
Jun 17, 2019

Mouse Smell In Ducts Over 1 year now - will it sell?

We got invaded in the winter of 2017-2018. We have severe mouse smell. I have blown, with a leaf blower, out the 'nesting' from all of the ducts, used countless products,air it out through the winter in New York and still smells. Aside from taking the whole interior apart I can find no more evidence of mice. None from this past winter either. I don't want to redo the ducts.
What are the odds of somebody buying this camper?
Any comments welcome. (Please be polite though.)
  • Have you tried an ozone generator? This is what motels etc use to get rid of smells. You can rent them or in my case I bought one on Amazon. They really do work wonders.
  • It depends on how bad it smells. Ask a couple friends or neighbors to look at your TT and give you an honest answer.

    Did you check Youtube for any ideas on removing the smell?
  • Are you planning to tell them about the smell? You should be.