Forum Discussion

Yosemite_Sam1's avatar
May 17, 2018

My 6-cyl 4runner can!

Apprehensive at first. We can't get in and out of LA basin without passing the dreaded-white knuckle Grapevine-Tejon (14 miles - 6 degree grade), Cajon Pass (also 14 miles - 6 degrees) and Conejo.

In a Carpenteria trip, our first, we avoided Conejo uphill by taking the Malibu-I 10 route.

But can't with the Yosemite trip. Oh yeah, and snowed out.

Took the Grapevine-Tejon on a wing and a prayer. A pleasant surprise. Both downhill and uphill, the 4runner is in full control and way up with power to spare (on 3,400 rpm tops with no sign of over exertion).

I'm pulling a Coleman 17FQ (no kidding, you can't make this up) rated at 3,650 pounds and nearing 5,000 pounds loaded.

Cajon pass next - this time with more confidence on the way to North Rim Grand Canyon.
  • Radial GT wrote:
    4Runners are great rigs!

    It is, I realized that now. I was thinking an upgrade to Sequioa or Land Cruiser with full knowledge I would burn more dough on gas.

    At ease that my 4runner is more than adequate for the rig that I have.

    Colorado soon, lol!
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    Always a good thing to test the waters of your equipment a little at a time. Go slow experiencing different situations. Eventually you know the limits of what your rig is capable of. Good luck and happy traveling on your journeys.

    And always remember, it's not always about the destination. The journey is just as important! Nothing like having a very pleasant "journey!" Enjoy! Remember, when the wife makes the comment, "Honey, we just passed a billbard advertising such and such. Can we stop?" by all means.... do! enjoy the moment.

    Thanks! Always learning from the veterans, err, senior members out there. I appreciate your invaluable advise and tips.
  • jerem0621 wrote:
    Nice! I use to tow with a Kia Sorento (Not a TT) and it was pleasant how solid it always felt. Same with my Minivan (2014 Chrysler Town & Country). Use them in their ratings and they do a good Job!



    I wonder what these crossovers can pull.
  • Always a good thing to test the waters of your equipment a little at a time. Go slow experiencing different situations. Eventually you know the limits of what your rig is capable of. Good luck and happy traveling on your journeys.

    And always remember, it's not always about the destination. The journey is just as important! Nothing like having a very pleasant "journey!" Enjoy! Remember, when the wife makes the comment, "Honey, we just passed a billbard advertising such and such. Can we stop?" by all means.... do! enjoy the moment.
  • Nice! I use to tow with a Kia Sorento (Not a TT) and it was pleasant how solid it always felt. Same with my Minivan (2014 Chrysler Town & Country). Use them in their ratings and they do a good Job!

