Forum Discussion

slacker_cruster's avatar
Aug 14, 2014

My cassette toilet is stinking up my TC

I haven't used the cassette toilet that much in the past. I usually use a lug-a-loo cause I go on short trips and don't want to bother cleaning the toilet. But I decided to try and use the cassette toilet more.

Two weeks ago I used it twice for solid waste. I knew I was using the TC this weekend so I didn't clean it out. I figured I'd clean it out after this weekend.

When I checked the TC a few days ago I smelled a sulphur odor in the TC, so I cleaned the tank out. How do you work your cassette toilet so you don't get any residual odor in the TC? How long is the longest you should leave waste in it?

  • My resume: former RV had a Porta Potti which received extensive use in the 15 years I had it. Here's some advice from what I learned.

    With the seal/flapper/blade closed, put a small amount of water into the toilet bowl. If it leaks on through to the cassette, you have a leak around the sealing apparatus. Repair that (clean the apparatus and/or install a new one) and the scent problem should be gone.
  • I think the type/brand of chemical makes a big difference. Find one that has the smell you can tolerate!
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    We have the cassette potty in our off-road POPUP. Have never run into any smell problem. We mainly use it as a emergency pot in the middle of the night.

    You might want to check the spring loaded door that only opens when you flush. It may have something obstructing the rail path...

    Ours is very easy to pull out of the popup and with its own wheels can be pulled to the bath house and poured down their toilet with ease...

    I think it is a pretty neat thing to have but ours is with the shower combo which we have only used once in five years... I wish I had the stand alone cassette potty arrangement to give a tad more isle space...

    Roy ken
  • If you smelled sulphur, perhaps you have a battery problem.

  • SugarHillCTD wrote:
    Empty it each time you won't be using it daily.

    It is so easy to dump, why wouldn't you?

    Just lazy. I was under the impression it could go for a long time before it needed emptying.

    Next year I plan to use it in the desert, I will have to get some of the super chemicals.
  • Empty it each time you won't be using it daily.

    It is so easy to dump, why wouldn't you?
  • a product called Happy Camper is very good stink control. order it on line.
  • Use a small amount of the 'toilet chemical' liquid (don't remember the name)that's sold many places, or the equivalent home-made additive. I empty it when nearly full -- often a week or more. No problems.