Brakes are always a trade-off. If you improve in one area it will hurt in another.
If you have a pad that will work really good when hot it will suffer when cold..............and the other way around.
If you have a rotor that is slotted or drilled so it will carry the off-gasing it will have less surface area to handle high load.
It's all a trade-off.
That being said, stick with OEM. That is your best bet. SD Ford trucks have some of the best brakes on the market in class, so my advice is to stick with them.
As far as Ford making some of the best fluid? That is utter rubbish. In fact,
they make one of the worst, if not the worst fluid on the market.That's not to say it's Ford fluid is bad; it's not. It's just that there are tons of fluids on the market that are better and to say they make a great fluid is totally wrong and incorrect.
On a side note. I would question why you need brakes so soon. That is not a very heavy trailer you're towing. At 75K my brakes look like brand new.