Forum Discussion

  • NRALIFR wrote:
    Several years ago I did start putting the truck tag # and the state two-letter abbreviation on the camper bumper with 3” high reflective letters. I figure any LEO worth his salt should be able to figure out what that is.

    Or they will just give you a ticket for making an illegal copy of the license plate.
  • Here in Utah the plate stays on the truck.
    Copying it is illegal too.
  • I have considering buying a fake license plate. For under $20 I can get one from Amazon or elsewhere than will look like my official plate. I would keep the original on the truck and the fake on the camper. I have not bothered because I rarely have the camper off of the truck. With the camper on, it is impossible to see the plate on the truck so I do need to move it every time I use the truck without the camper.
  • I’m seeing it now. Nice! You need to take out the url tags.
  • jimh425 wrote:
    Not seeing the plate, but glad you are happy!

    Thanks Jim, I'm always happy. :B
  • It was a BIG discussion in another forum and that's how I ended up having this one made for me.

    I too think its pretty funny. :B
  • That’s awesome. I’ve only been asked 2-3 times (by a LEO) in about 30 years where my tag was. I’ve always answered politely, just like that. Nobody has had a problem with it yet.

    Several years ago I did start putting the truck tag # and the state two-letter abbreviation on the camper bumper with 3” high reflective letters. I figure any LEO worth his salt should be able to figure out what that is.

  • I gotta' go find that big huge THUMBS UP icon that some TC'er posts here when they like a post
