Sounds like your plan is coming together nicely. You will really enjoy the versatility of a well appointed truck camper on your AK voyage. Remember to find gravel pits to hole up in. Why? Cleaner; better view of the surrounding landscape and fewer flying insects.
Near Coldfoot, north of the Arctic Circle with the Brooks range behind, the last set of mountains before you descend to the Arctic Ocean: This was June 20th, 2003, at about 10 p.m. The sun never set while we were here:

As long as you are plotting your AK voyage, here's my take on the best time to go there. Arriving about the last week of May for a one month stay is as good as it gets. Before the State Birds (mosquitos) hatch; before the hoard of tourists arrive; the most comfortable temperatures (little day night change); and the least likelihood of precip.