Forum Discussion

rvbc's avatar
Jun 10, 2017

New RV-about to drive off the lot- Found Leak

We are about to purchase a new Venture Sonic 22VBH today. I drove yesterday to the lot to look it over after a heavy rain and found a leak at the corner of the slideout.

Tech looked at it and said that hes fixed it with silicone sealant where a spot was missed. I will run a hose over the entire roof today to see if it leaks. This is my first trailer and I am nervous about the purchase. Is this normal? Should I ask to have them look inside slide out and take apart?

Thanks for any feedback!!
  • Fixed it with silicone....right.
    Don't know if this is your first RV, but since you are new to the Forum, I'll offer this.
    Those of us who have been at this for a while know that leaks are one of our biggest fears....and can be catastrophic to an RV....seen and unseen damage, lots and lots of grief.

    Just be very careful and be very weary of, "Fixed it with some silicone."
    Personally, I don't like the sound of this.
    I'd at least want to be present for the leak test.
  • no split on repair, manager said they do a pressure test and that it would've been done today.

    they are reputable and confident they will do what they can to fix

    I will go out there and put a hose on it... would it be fair to hit the slideout from the side with the hose to simulate driving rain or is that a bit too much to expect??
  • Not normal!
    I know how you feel with a new unit sitting there just waiting for you but I would find another.
  • westend wrote:
    Since you found a leak, see if they'll split the cost of a Sealtech pressure test. The interior pressure test will find any additional leaks or affirm that the original was repaired correctly.

    I wouldn't split the cost myself. its a repaired vehicle (and with silicone) show it works. it should be able to be adjusted to not leak without patching it.

    and if they will slap something together to get it off the lot, what kind of service do you expect to get from them when other issues arise?
  • ok, I will ask about the pressure test. The date of manufacture is March, 2017. It has probably been on the lot for 2-4 months, unsure how long the slide out has been open.

    Also, while crawling on the roof to check for other seals I heard a couple cracks/crunching underneath - is that the fiberglass wrap? is it damaging it?
  • Since you found a leak, see if they'll split the cost of a Sealtech pressure test. The interior pressure test will find any additional leaks or affirm that the original was repaired correctly.
  • I would be leery.
    The next question to get answered is how long has it been leaking.
    See if you can find a build date.
    Have the slides been out? If so the leak has done some damage.
    Will it become evident before the warranty is over?