"not that it matters any longer but the Mastervolt system is used in the NoBO for their unplugged package.. are you saying that isn't a good brand?"
Not at all. No Boundries is a Forest River brand and they, along with most other manufacturers, are well know for using the cheapest components and materials available. They're also known for mis matching components when it comes to solar systems and only providing enough capacity to make it look good on the website or in a brochure. Even when they use something that is supposedly a good product they'll do their best to booger up the installation. All one has to do is look at the wiring in just about every RV at the converter which looks like an explosion occurred at the wire factory.Another thing they're good at is entering into agreements with component suppliers where replacement parts or add one are overpriced and proprietary. A few examples are pre wiring for Zamp solar or Furrion backup cameras.