Forum Discussion

Jeffrey99's avatar
May 16, 2013

Newb drowning in all the weight number, please help

Sure the question has been asked a million times and sorry for bringing it back up but as the title states, I got a headache from all the number floating in my head. Wife and I just put down a deposit on a used Travel Trailer, our first. We do not have a truck yet, had decided on trying to find a 2001-2002 Ford F-250 Super Duty with the 7.3 Diesel. So I don't have a official numbers, just what I've been trying to find in pdf files online.

The place I bought the TT told me that F-250 can pull up to a 10,000 lbs. The numbers have me all confused as one RV place told me to look at the UVW. So do I need to pay attention to GVWR or UVW?

Is there someplace online that I can find out if F-250 will put it fine? Or can someone here confirm whether nor not it would work? Do I need to be looking for a F-350? It's only a 27ft so I figured it wouldn't take much to pull it.

I don't know. I'm second guessing myself and driving myself mad. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


EDIT:sorry forgot to post pic of weight sticker from trailer.
  • A friend uses an older F250 to pull his 5th wheel and has no problem. His 5th wheel weighs nearly 10,000 lbs loaded.

    You can expect 25 to 45 MPH up hills with 6 to 10% grades.
  • UVW or unloaded vehicle weights are meaningless. They are basically what the factory says it should weigh as it rolled off the assembly line. As for the trailer. Always look at its GVWR. While you may not hit that number, you sure as heck will never see a dry weight either. And by using GVWR figures you will have no surprises the first trip across the scales.
    As for your basic question, the 7.3L should be able to tow a 10,000GVWR trailer easily. Of corse rear end ratios play into the equasion so you need to do your home work there too. Or be prepared to shell out for a different gear set if it is not a good one.
    Next worry will be the hitch. Many trucks do not have a hitch rated for up to 10,000 pounds of towing capacity. So you will need to check that out too.