Welcome! Agree Camp Driveway is excellent. Don't run back in the house to get whatever you need, just make a list like it's the real thing.
The very, very first thing on the inside list after hooking up water, electric....even before sewer....is to check the faucets to make sure they are truly off, not on. Some faucets turn reverse to a home faucet and our old camping buddies hooked up, got into a lengthy chat and didn't realize the bathroom faucet was running wide open until they saw water running out from under the HTT. Made quite a mess for their 2nd or 3rd trip out. Water in the GFI in the vanity, running all over the floor and into Lord knows what areas. That is on my list since I'm the inside person and it's #1. Then you can flip on the A/C, put out the slide once the stabilizers are set, start getting your "stuff" in order.
Also agree, take your time...except on the faucet thing. You'll likely feel like you have no clue how you got into this, but a trip or two and it'll be second nature. Enjoy!
OH, BTW, open cabinet doors slowly and be ready for falling objects.