If your tow vehicle is not capable, you are at risk. Is that fun?
Try towing downhill. Roads just a little wet from the morning dew. Then somebody makes a left turn in front of you. Far enough ahead. But you need to step on the brake because he misjudged your speed. And when you step on the brakes, the trailer starts to push your tow vehicle ahead. So you clamp on the brakes even harder. The tow vehicle brakes lock up. The tires skid and smoke. If you have ABS, the brakes shudder...but you know you cannot stop in time. The trailer starts to jack knife...to the left into the oncoming traffic lane. You lose control of the tow vehicle...because it's skidding, out of control. All the time your family is sitting in their seats. Totally unsuspecting of what is going on. But you are fully aware. Because it is your responsibility to drive the family safely.
The oncoming guy, aborts the left turn and hits the shoulder. So he and his family can avoid the rear of your trailer, which is swinging into his lane. This all happens within a 5 second time frame. And you cannot in any way control the outcome.
If you are lucky...You and your family slide through. Not because of your good judgment. But because of others that take evasive action.
Is that fun? And can you tow with an incapable tow vehicle again. With your family riding with you? Will it be fun the next time something happens? We all hope so. You are lucky if you get through one bad mistake. Many are not so lucky. That is no fun.