A sign of the times, local Jayco dealer who used to do a substantial business in pups, particularly the Sport line, has taken on a Rockwood franchise to get the models Jayco/Starcraft no longer supplies. If the Starcraft pups are really gone, then the Starcraft dealer is just out of luck, unless he can manage a pup-only franchise for Flagstaff (local Flagstaff dealer doesn't sell pups).
I know Jayco tries out new markets briefly, model lines expand and contract, new model lines might be a year or two, or the start of something long-term if they work. But pups have been a Jayco mainstay for many years. Strange to see them abandon a core market.
While inflation has been responsible for prices rising generally, the pups have also been getting more expensive because they are more feature rich to attract buyer who want more, and this has pushed them to where they overlap entry-level lightweight TT prices. According to the pup dealers I've talked here, it has lately been the smaller basic models, like Jayco Sport and Rockwood's LTD level, that sell well new. Used pups, if priced low enough and in good condition, tend to sell within a couple weeks, sometimes a few days, of coming into the dealership. So there is still a market, at least for the "basic camper" models.