My 05 does not temp lock OD out. TH changes the shift strategy and also allows the TC to lock in 3rd. The jump from 3rd to OD with the TC locked is big so it holds it in 3rd (TC locked) longer until around 55 MPH before it will let it shift. Once it's in OD it will hold it with the TC locked down to as low as 40.
I love the way my stock/factory 48RE works.
I also think the stock 48RE does a good job shifting. In addition to what you have shared, I like the way it can be used to shift down on a long downgrade. Not a great amount of back pressure but enough to notice and often just enough to keep the feet off the service brakes. At 130,000 I have had no issues with mine. I think the OP's issue of the temps being a little higher is the fan clutch. Very similar to what happened to mine at 100K.