dodge guy wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
"No way could I go a full year without an oil change. I just couldn't do it."
The oil Companies love you.
And technicians love the extended oil change guys!
Lets see:
1995 S-10 250K miles changed oil every 7500, still isn't using any oil
2004 Duramax just turned 260K miles, changed oil at 10% life or so, 8-10K miles uses about 1/2 qt/10K miles, same as at 10K miles
1987 Chevy van, 195K miles, changed oil every 7500 miles, used maybe 1/2qt
1997 Honda accord, 160K miles, changed oil with oil change light, still wasn't using oil
And on all the vehicles used specified oil, usually not full synthetic, Blackstone labs results always came back with oil with good TBN and typical other indicates at the extended oil change interval.
Why would I use any other change interval????????????