Forum Discussion

ruthiebaby88's avatar
Nov 21, 2014

Ok - this decision has changed to 3/4 ton or 1 ton?

I am researching buying a pickup and camper to ride in bed.

Most of the camper manufacturers say a 3/4 ton pickup is fine for the campers I want to carry, however some of the truck manufacturers claim that their maximum payload is 2800 with a 4x4 and extended cab like I want. Sounds like lots of people carry with a 3/4 ton, but don't like the ride so eventually upgrade to a 1 ton.

What is your experience with these vehicles?

How would owning/maintenance expenses vary between the 2 pickups?

Gas mileage? Driv-ability?

I'm on a limited budget, so buying a 1 ton means it has closer to 150k miles on it, where I could find a 3/4 ton with about 100k miles.
  • I always advise to go with the highest capacity truck you can afford. You want to be as safe as possible so don't skimp.

    I drove a 1 ton dually crew cab long bed (without camper) for several years as my daily commuter. My commute was 24 miles into and out of Downtown Los Angeles during morning & afternoon rush hours. I liked having the roomy cab while stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. In addition, cars tended to move out of my way once they spotted me in their rear view mirror.

    Fuel mileage was 9-10MPG empty and 7-8 MPG loaded at 55MPH or 6-7 MPG at 70 MPH.

    The commute ride quality wasn't bad as long as the road wasn't bumpy.
  • It's all about "payload". Most 1/2 ton pickups only have about 1500 lbs of available payload. This includes anything that goes on or in the truck.....anything....including you, passengers, equipment, tools...etc.

    Most 3/4 ton pickups only have about 2000 to 2500 lbs of available payload.

    Find the camper you want and determine what it will weigh when loaded with food, water, linens, eating paraphernalia, clothes....etc. Then compare that with the payload capacity of the truck of your choice.

    Good luck

  • Recommend you seriously consider the 3/4. My progression was 1/2T, 3/4T and now 1T. The 1/2T pulled our TT OK at the time, but the 3/4T handled it MUCH better. Of course that gave us the opportunity to upgrade...etc...same old story :)

    Mileage on the 3/4 depends on the engine, if same as 1/2 you should get same mileage; but you might choose to get a more powerful engine and hence have poorer mileage. Repairs etc will cost more on the 3/4 because everything is beefier, my experience was that many parts (ie brakes) lasted longer too though.
  • After carrying a TC in a 3/4T I would say both of those are too light. It may have the capacity to carry it but it's not comfortable or safe feeling.
    A 1T truck doesn't cost or ride that much different and gives you a huge choice of campers and much better driving manners when loaded.