myredracer wrote:
Thank you for posting the pics and info. - much appreciated. Nice work!
brulaz wrote:
This is about strengthening the arms of the Lippert electric stab jacks.
Thanks for the kind remarks folks.
Just remembered something else about these jacks.
The motors are exposed and have a tight-fitting rubber sleeve to protect them from water. If you search the net, there's a lot of issues with water getting in and corroding the motor.
This happened to my rear motor (but never to the front for some reason). I discovered it one morning after a night of 6 below temperatures: the jack wouldn't retract, manually or electrically. If I had known that the motor was frozen solid, I could have warmed it up, but I didn't realize that until later. (That's when I totally mangled the jacks trying to get them out from under the trailer while they were extended.)
So now I'm using dielectric grease (a Lippert Tech Support suggestion) to seal the rubber cap all around the base of the motor and where the wires enter. I pull the cap off by about one inch, grease everything and slide it back on. Add more grease all around.
We'll see how this works.