My 2011 Outfitter is equipped with a Xantrex 2000w inverter which takes 120V power from the genny and shore power to charge the batteries. It also takes DC power from the batteries to power the 120V plugs. Pretty elementary stuff. The problem is or was is that when we took delivery of the unit, nobody told us that the converter when on,which contains all of the AC/DC circuits, takes 120V from the inverter to charge the batteries even if the unit is not plugged into shore power or genny. Therefore, when I Tryed to run the 1600W micro dry camping, it tripped the inverter overload. Took awhile before I realized that the converter was robbing power from the inverter to charge the batteries to the tune of 800W therefore exceeding the 2000W limit of the inverter when it was trying to run the the micro.
Once the converter,s breaker was off, everything went back to normal. Your inverter may not be the same as ours but check to seeing your converter when on is not stealing power from the inverter to charge the batteries when there is not outside power(genny/shore) making it a cozy manage a tois of wasted battery power.