Lets not criticize the OP for their taste in wheels....I like 'em actually, but this is a 2 fold lesson.
1. It appears they didn't get the wheels they thought they bought.
2. Through some research as well as knowing a bit about metallurgy and engineering, many of the more "intricate" aftermarket wheels can't possibly take the abuse or have a huge factor of safety just by the size and design of the "spokes."
This is always a hottopic with truck campers and my personal theory (no way to back it up other than years of experience and/or dumb luck) is that OE wheels are designed with a SIGNIFICANT factor of safety. Simply from a liability mitigation perspective. OE's can't control what the consumer does with their product, but they can guarantee they will be held feet to the fire on liability (Ford Explorers...cough cough) and they absolutely do not want the bad press.
I'm a guy that "overloads" my wheels and tires sometimes and I would not feel comfortable doing it with smaller company, marginal rating wheels, however am comfortable with it in general on OE wheels.
Right wrong or indifferent.