Forum Discussion

Norm_n_Mary's avatar
Jul 11, 2018

Oxidation on 2015 Dutchman Aerolite 28RLSS

My Apologize in advance if this question has been asked. My wife and I purchased a 2015 Dutchman Aerolite in Oct of 2016. Used it for three months in the Northwest and then parked it undercover. I recently took it to where I bought it in Tampa for some warranty work and was told that the unit has started oxidizing. The cost to fix this is way out of my price range.
Question: Is this normal for a 2015 Dutchman to oxidize so early????
What kind of manufacture warranty comes with the Unit? We purchased it used in Tampa from a reputable RV dealer.
Any and all help is appreciated.
Regards Norm
  • First, thank you all for responding with great questions. The oxidation the dealer is talking about is on the front cap and on the front right side of the trailer. Personally speaking it looks like a dull coloring of the paint. hope this helps, i'm not much of an expert nor have I ever owned a fiberglass travel trailer.
    Thanks again and hope this answers your questions.
  • “What kind of manufacture warranty comes with the Unit?“

    Manufacturer warranty on an purchased used RV after three years? Not likely.
  • This is how paint ages, just wax it like a car. Problem solved.
  • I'm assuming you're talking about the fiberglass/paint.
    What exactly is the dealer going to do to repair the oxidation?
  • SoundGuy wrote:
    mike-s wrote:
    What do they mean by "oxidizing?" Frame rusting? Roof membrane turning to powder? Paint fading?

    Surely the dealer would be referring to paint fade - no? The frame will simply rust, EPDM roof membrane chalks, TPO roof membrane does nothing - except maybe get dirty. :W
    Who knows. All of those are "oxidation." If it's an "expensive" fix, sounds like the dealer is just trolling for dollars.
  • mike-s wrote:
    What do they mean by "oxidizing?" Frame rusting? Roof membrane turning to powder? Paint fading?

    Surely the dealer would be referring to paint fade - no? The frame will simply rust, EPDM roof membrane chalks, TPO roof membrane does nothing - except maybe get dirty. :W
  • Any trailer exposed to the elements will oxidize. I noticed the other day that my 2014 is now showing some effects of this so it's time to get out the rubbing compound, after which I'll apply a coat of Nu Finish Liquid Polish. The result may not be perfect but it will be pretty decent, certainly good enough for me. :)
  • What do they mean by "oxidizing?" Frame rusting? Roof membrane turning to powder? Paint fading?