Forum Discussion

Kansas_couple's avatar
Jan 16, 2014

PDI while TT is still winterized?

I will take delivery of my new TT before much longer. I expect a thorough PDI but am wondering how they will demonstrate anything involving the plumbing since the camper is still winterized and we are in a cold part of the country. I've read some other posts recently about people choosing to "dry camp" until the seasons change and they can de-winterize their rigs.

  • Regardless of what they charge for the winterization, I guarantee it doesn't cost more than $5.00 for them to do.
    I winterize my boat and camper myself for less than $10.00 and about an hour's work. The boat is much more difficult than the camper, too.

    As others have stated, once you accept delivery, you have accepted the unit. Any subsequent work by the dealer will cost you or be warranty work. Good luck getting warranty work in front of paying customers. Test every single thing you can. If the unit doesn't come with a television, but has hookups, bring a small one from home and connect it. Ensure the antenna works properly. It may be a bit overboard, but if more people put on a swimsuit and actually took a shower, we'd see a whole lot fewer posts on here about leaking shower doors and broken pipes.
  • I don't know if this would apply to your case, but I would ask when your warranty starts. If its the day you do the PDI then ask yourself do you want to lose 3-4 months of warranty while its not useable. I bought my rig...and booked a PDI and pickup for late April. I owned the rig, but the warranty didn't start until I picked it up. Near the end of the 2 year warranty I was really glad I did this as the lino split front to back. Just something to consider. If you have to take it home now...then overnight in the shop, all warmed up and ready to demonstrate everything. Re-winterize after PDI and store til spring.

  • And watch how they do the dewinterization and the rewinterizing.

    MAKE THEM DO IT> they are not your friends or family they are a business wanting your money. Once they have it they are in control. IF IT DOES NOT PASS, delay paying until all is done to your satisfaction. You are NEVER in a better bargaining position.

    IT IS BUSINESS if they will not do the check out walk away fast because they are not doing what you need. Accept no promises of we will do it later or some such. Dollars to donuts once it is picked up it will be your fault if something is wrong. Then they have your money and you have an arguement on your hands.

    I bet buried in the paperwork they will push in front of you will be a paper stating you have inspected the unit to your satisfaction.
  • I just picked up my new Windjammer mid December went through the PDI with the TT still winterized. If I had it to do over again I would have tested all the water systems during the PDI and have them winterize it before I left with the trailer. Being new to camping I was somewhat overwhelmed with the systems. Now my plans are to have them dewinterize the camper around the spring thaw, and fully check out the systems at that time. There should not be a fee but we have not discussed that. (little to late for that ) I plan on pleading ignorance ( we will see how that works ). I believe they normally charge $99.00 to preform the service.
  • We would dewintertize so we could check all of the systems and after customer PDI we would put the pink back in.
  • Have them take it into their shop to warm it up and dewinterize, do the PDI and rewinterize once you are satisfied. Will only take them a few minutes to rewinterize.
  • I would guess that if they want their money they will de-winterize. Test and demo to your satisfaction and re-winterize until spring.
    I would not give them a dime until they test and demo.