jjerrydghby wrote:
Thanks for all the feedback and it is very helpful it seems to be real mixed opinion's on the matter I will really have to weight the costs and aggravation associated with replacing the flooring.
I have used peel and stick tiles in two TTs, I would HATE to attempt to pull them up. I as of yet have not had any issues with them staying down in fact one of the problems I ran into was when laying them down. If more than a small edge is stuck down you WILL have a difficult time removing it. So placement can prove to be difficult.
The downside of peel and sticks is the glue just sticks to everything, tools, floor, clothing and FINGERS.
Would sheet vinyl be better overall? Sure, but it can be difficult for even PROs to deal with in a big open area like a home. In a RV you will find it harder to do because of the small area and all the cutting and fitting. Not for everyone.
If going with sheet vinyl I would recommend making a paper template of the floor then lay out the vinyl outside and tape the template to the vinyl and cut it outside.
Or check with your local flooring place to see if they would be willing to install the vinyl for you..