Forum Discussion

raptor131's avatar
Jul 07, 2014

Power converter issues?

I am having issues with my 12vdc lighting. As I setup at my campsite I connect to shore power if I turn on a lot of lights they flicker, or a better term would be pulsate, I have been researching this and today I checked the battery voltage after disconnecting it from the camper it read 13.3 vdc, I checked the charging wire from the converter to the battery it read 13.6. With the battery disconnected I tried turning on some lights and they did similar as prior, flicker, I then connected the battery back up and checked all connections and tightened them up, with all the lights on the voltage dropped all the down to around 9vdc and the fan was making noises.

I have the wfco 8955 series unit
Checked voltages with a rms DVOM

Does this pretty much indicate a failing converter?

It is making me nervous this converter is ruining other things such as my dometic fridge
On my last trip I woke up in the early morning to the fridge clicking and the "check" light coinciding with the clicking, I went outside and checked the voltage at the receptacle for the fridge and had 110, but it was trying to light the gas burner, so my question is if the doc power is failing would the explain the fridge not wanting to utilize the a/c for operation
  • You have a short.....

    While monitoring battery voltage.......pull each DC fuse until that 9V DC jumps back up to 12V DC +

    13.3 at battery is good
    13.6 on converter output is good
  • You could try the DC devices with the converter not powered to see if the converter is at fault or if the battery needs replacement. It may also be that you have some oxidized connections or a faulty circuit breaker in the mix.
  • Sounds like the battery has maybe shorted internally. I would disconnect it immediately and have it tested.
    If the battery checks out then the converter has died in a classic fashion.
  • When the voltage fell to 9V what was the voltage across the battery terminals?
    Have you checked & cleaned all the ground connections?
  • I hope this helps

    Check out this video on YouTube:

    Click for link to video

    Sent from my iPad

    I have tested the battery separately with a battery tender and it checked out, it does not load test it but it has detected bad ones that showed good voltage before
  • The video is indicative of a self-resetting circuit breaker interrupting current.
  • westend wrote:
    The video is indicative of a self-resetting circuit breaker interrupting current.

    And what do I do about that? Thanks
  • How did you correct your problem? Mine is doing almost the exact same thing and I have an almost new battery. I have not hooked a voltage meter to mine but just by using the battery meter on the same panel as the grey and black water I can tell its losing voltage. I'm concerned about damaging my refrigerator. I attempted to turn on my a/c unit and it just humms so I turned it off quickly as to not damage it. I think it has to be the converter, but that's just my guess.
  • A new converter fixed my issues, it was failing .but yes replace it before. It damages something else