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Grodyman's avatar
Nov 07, 2015

Pro Comp Add a Leaf and Reese Titan

I recently added a Pro Comp Add a Leaf kit to my F250:

Here my truck is before with camper loaded:

Now with the camper loaded the very tip of the rubber Work Rite touches the perch without any compression of the rubber spring.

Here is my new hitch (don't like how I mounted the plug, but will do for now)The hardest part was removing the old factory hitch, those 15/16 bolts were tight:

The add a leaf raises the rear of my truck unloaded about 1" and keeps the camper level when loaded. Not too much difference in unloaded ride. So far so good.

$500 for the leafs installed and $350 for the hitch and Curt 34" truss (Vs. $1100 for Torklift hitch and truss?) Torklift Superhitch is definitely better, but the Reese is plenty tough.

$850 invested for both the mods. Can't afford a dually right now, so it was time for some upgrades.

  • Looks great!

    I got my 2001 Ford F250 with an AAL in the rear and a "mini-pack" leveling kit.

    The rear AAL lifted the rear end up around 2 inches unloaded. No idea on how much loaded, but it did very well with a camper and Jeep on a trailer.

    I've since added upper and lower Stable Loads, and also taken an inch out of the front leveling kit. Now it's solid.

    On my next truck (Ford Dually) I plan on ordering a custom leaf pack from National or Deaver. I like a better unloaded ride, and also don;t want to have to add $500 worth of leaf spring aids. I'm guessing I'll just have upper stable loads and the custom springs.
  • jefe 4x4 wrote:
    Nice install. It will be instructive when you get some loaded and unloaded miles on the add-a-leaves. Since they are in the main pack the ride will suffer when unloaded. It looks like a well thought out set for folks with no secondaries and run most of the time WITH a load. Thinner leaves generally offer better flexibility so we'll see (or you will see).
    I added one extra leaf in the main pack, but it was thicker and gave about 2" of lift, loaded or 3" lift unloaded. The ride suffered with no load, but the cumulative effect of 8 leaves on each side is fine with the loaded TC on. Very stable. Fortunately, the TC is on more now that off so we like the ride.
    I've had good luck with our class V Reese Titan. It's 12 yrs. old now and has the old 2-1/2" receiver but seems to soldier on regardless of how I abuse it, and we've had loads up and over the 19,300 CGVW of the Dodge. The only real consequence of the Reese is it takes valuable spare space so I have to run with the spare half deflated to get it to fit in between the frame rails. to counter that woe I always carry 30# of CO2 when we travel to inflate tires by the side of the road. Combine that with Safety Seal tire plug kit and you can fix*almost any flat along the side of the road without removing the wheel. Just jack it up. *Whazoo's flat on our San Juan High TC trip near Telluride needed 17 plugs to span the gash in his new tire.

    I hear you, I went back and forth on the suspension mod to make, I almost went to custom overloads with a 4" spacer block to get the lift, but price was also a factor. The thinner, longer leaves in the Pro Comp kit don't affect the unloaded ride enough to make it unbearable, but luckily I have a commuter car. I'll get a better feel around Thanksgiving on the next trip. Then I can post some follow up results.
  • Grody,
    Nice install. It will be instructive when you get some loaded and unloaded miles on the add-a-leaves. Since they are in the main pack the ride will suffer when unloaded. It looks like a well thought out set for folks with no secondaries and run most of the time WITH a load. Thinner leaves generally offer better flexibility so we'll see (or you will see).
    I added one extra leaf in the main pack, but it was thicker and gave about 2" of lift, loaded or 3" lift unloaded. The ride suffered with no load, but the cumulative effect of 8 leaves on each side is fine with the loaded TC on. Very stable. Fortunately, the TC is on more now that off so we like the ride.
    I've had good luck with our class V Reese Titan. It's 12 yrs. old now and has the old 2-1/2" receiver but seems to soldier on regardless of how I abuse it, and we've had loads up and over the 19,300 CGVW of the Dodge. The only real consequence of the Reese is it takes valuable spare space so I have to run with the spare half deflated to get it to fit in between the frame rails. to counter that woe I always carry 30# of CO2 when we travel to inflate tires by the side of the road. Combine that with Safety Seal tire plug kit and you can fix*almost any flat along the side of the road without removing the wheel. Just jack it up. *Whazoo's flat on our San Juan High TC trip near Telluride needed 17 plugs to span the gash in his new tire.
  • If you are not pulling a real heavy trailer with a lot of tongue weight, the Reese Titan will serve you well. Ive been using one for 5 years now with a 42" Reese extension. Never a problem. I also added side support chains to mine, and if you do that, the Titan hitch already has a hole on each side to place the chain hooks. No need to adapt or drill any attachment points.