Forum Discussion

Ed_Kelsey's avatar
Jun 30, 2014

Pull shades

The pull shades in the overhead do not work. The unit is a 2002 Lance modle 1030. Anyone have so info? The shades are the pull down type, pleated shades. Thank you. Ed
  • Got them working. Just kept looking at them and it came to me, pull the string tighter!!
  • I guess I'm one of the few that like them! I just wish my TC had the day/night version, but I was able to simulate using tinted windows.
  • Mine have never worked right and I've just put up with them. One day my temper will get the best of me and I'll rip them off the wall. Then I can do as lap527 suggests.
  • Save yourself the aggravation and find some small aluminum mini blinds. Home Depot or Lowes and they will cut them for free. We changed some out in the last fiver we had. Thank goodness the TC came with them.
  • There are a few youtube videos on restringing if that is the issue.