Forum Discussion

hrose's avatar
Jul 03, 2017

Pump and filter for filling fresh water tank

Im mostly using my camper in the wild around lakes and rivers that ive been drinking the water from since im kid.

Theres 4 of us and we need a full tank of fresh water to make sure we got enough (55gal) for our 4 days trips, thats about 450 pounds that i could maybe avoid to carry for hundreds of miles on rough roads.

Id like to make a pumping setup with a filter to make sure nothing get inside the tank but water.

Does someone have that kind of setup or any ideas of what pump/filters would work just nice ?

I dont mind starting the generator to run a 110v pump if thats makes the process a lot faster then a 12v pump

  • Here is my filter setup. I keep it in the basement drawer. I also made an adapter to plug into the 12v socket that lets me use a normal extension cord to place the filter array closer to the water source.

  • I just bought a regular 12 volt rv fresh water pump and a 50ft garden hose. cut the garden hose in half and connected either cut end to the pump and one end of the hose goes in stream of water (I just use the small metal screen that is used in washing machine hoses to keep debris out) and the other end of the hose goes to a tank in my truck. I connect the pump to battery on truck with alligator clips to fill tank and reverse process into rv fresh water tank. will add bleach and use for showers, etc. drinking and cooking water is via bottle water. This way I carry a "spare" fresh water pump at all times :)
  • You can do it with filters. It will just take some time.

    I haven't tried anything like this on this scale, but when I backpack I use a filter to purify my drinking water. I say go for it. You'll find a way, as long as you know it will take time.

  • You can buy 2nd 12V pump, the best matching the one you have for tank filling, but filtration is going be a big problem. Each pump has build-in strainer to keep mechanical debris, but even a row of filters will not give you guarantee for water purity, while they will kill the flow.
    I had friend who kept his trailer at reservoir and was filling up lake water for showers, but was bringing consumption water with him.
    Bottom line, if filling up at home can avoid the hassle, that is what I would do.
    When I was camping with my sons, those heaters solved lot of water issues.