Thanks for extra picture.
In my remodeling years I learned that there is not such thing as too big drip edge, or too big roof overhang.
House sidings are not really design and usually are not build to withstand water running on it, while stucco suppose to have solid membranes, when sad truth is that inspectors neglect checking it and new home buyer, when 3 years warranty expires will have rain with heavy winds only to find that not-visible membrane has holes and gaps in it.
Bottom line, I made enough money fixing builders screw-up to call it "industry standard"
I semi-retired 3 years ago and bought nice house on foreclosure. Not only house required some fixing, but I add swimming pool and dozens of our own designs.
So 3 years passed (with few long vacations on the way) and my TD list is still having some items waiting on it.
So right, retirement is very busy time.