Looking at Fleet Fords weight specs shows a 2021;
F450 DRW 4wd 176 wb 6.7 diesel 14000 gvwr 9900 rawr 8587 base weight.
F350 DRW 4wd 176 wb 6.7 diesel 14000 gvwr 9900 rawr 8133 base weight.
That why Ford folks on Ford diesel forums and the specs above tells us the the F450 is 450 lbs heavier than the F350 drw. Payload advantage goes to the 350 drw.
Both have the same Dana 256 front axle and the Dana 300M rear axle with the 9900 rawr that will carry the load in the bed.
Fleet Ford specs shows the F350 drw has a 270 Lbs in the bed payload advantage.
fleet ford Many new gen F350 drw (in my above configuration) rear axle can weight in the 3700 lb range leaving around 6200 lbs for a truck camper.
A lighter F350 drw super cab 164" wb can get you another 200 lbs or so of payload.
Now if you move up to the F450 cab/chassis with a custom hauler bed you get those big 12880 lb rear axles that can carry any TC you want. My neighbor lady has a Ram 4500 cab/chassis/custom haulers bed. She says her Rams rear axle comes in at 3880 lbs with around 8100 lb money payload depending on how much fuel she has in the tanks.