Forum Discussion

dadmomh's avatar
Aug 13, 2013

Questions re Geo Method

We're about to the end of our supply of Odorlos and I want to give the Geo Method a try. My first question is about the water softener. I've been able to find a little 24oz bottle of liquid - that isn't going to do much long term. Some online reading has mentioned powered, but I'm having trouble locating it. Can you just use the pellet type?? My thought/hope is that with the appropriate amounts of the softener and detergent that it would all dissolve with the amount of water added. Any particular brand of detergent??

Second question - I've seen mentioned that from time to time you add about a cup of do you determine when and how often?? I'm assuming that the bleach does not damage the seals....right?? odors, right?? Promise?? Think we'll give it a try if I can find the right products. It seems good for the environment, cost effective and not a problem to soon as I know about the water softener part of this. Thx.