Forum Discussion

dadmomh's avatar
Aug 13, 2013

Questions re Geo Method

We're about to the end of our supply of Odorlos and I want to give the Geo Method a try. My first question is about the water softener. I've been able to find a little 24oz bottle of liquid - that isn't going to do much long term. Some online reading has mentioned powered, but I'm having trouble locating it. Can you just use the pellet type?? My thought/hope is that with the appropriate amounts of the softener and detergent that it would all dissolve with the amount of water added. Any particular brand of detergent??

Second question - I've seen mentioned that from time to time you add about a cup of do you determine when and how often?? I'm assuming that the bleach does not damage the seals....right?? odors, right?? Promise?? Think we'll give it a try if I can find the right products. It seems good for the environment, cost effective and not a problem to soon as I know about the water softener part of this. Thx.
  • enblethen wrote:
    The GEO method came around when laundry detergent had phosphates. I find that it does work as well with the new detergents.
    Any comments or ideas?

    I don't have any proof, but I suspect a cup of almost any liquid laundry detergent put into the black tank after a dump will do just as good along with some water. Let this splash around in the tank while you drive and it'll be pretty clean in short order. I do this before I start out, use the facilities until I need to dump the tank then proceed to use and dump the tank as normal for the rest of my camping trip. Seems to work pretty well, and if anyone really needs to know the type of detergent I use, it's liquid Tide (or whatever happens to be on sale).
  • The GEO method came around when laundry detergent had phosphates. I find that it does work as well with the new detergents.
    Any comments or ideas?
  • Most laundry detergents contain some amount of water softener. If you want to add more water softener I don't think there's anything all that special about Calgon. You could also use something like Breeze liquid (blue bottle) which may be more readily available.
  • Sounds like you are thinking of softner salt, that is the wrong stuff. Calgon is found by the detergent additives. If you can't find it in stores, go onto Amazon and you will find it there.
  • We use Calgon Water Softener powder in a box (I hear that Borax works well to) that we get a K-Mart. We use the cheapest liquid laundry detergent that we can find at the Dollar Store. About one cup of each at the beginning of each stay. I have never used bleach, though I have read that some do. Don't know why.